At True To You Therapy we specialize in the following services.
couples therapy
Have you tried working on problems in your relationship but continue to feel stuck in the same unhealthy patterns? Whether you are married or in a committed partnership couples therapy can help restore your relationship foundation and help you reconnect with your partner. In couples therapy the goal is to help identify unhealthy relationship patterns and focus on skill building to strengthen the relationship and members of the couple. In our work together, we will focus on exploring negative patterns and habits that contribute to disruptions in the relationship in order to uncover new positive approaches and useful ways of interacting. We will also explore how to effectively express individual needs within a relationship in order to make sure that you and your partner are communicating in a manner that each member of the couple can feel heard, understood, respected, and loved. I look forward to assisting you in your journey to make your relationship stronger, better, and healthier.
Below is a list of things that you and your partner should consider when determining if couples therapy is a good fit for the relationship.
If infidelity has occurred in the relationship and one member of the couple is still actively carrying on an affair while entering couples work. In couples therapy, this is a deal breaker and couples work should not begin until both people are fully committed to the process.
Are both members of the couple committed to starting the therapeutic process? In many cases one partner is invested in the process, while the other member of the couple may feel forced to attend. This scenario doesn’t provide a stable foundation to start the process of working on your relationship.
Do both partners want to work on the relationship? In some cases one partner wants to work on the relationship while the other has silently decided that the relationship is over. When considering couples therapy it is important for both partners to want to work on and/or save the relationship.
Do you have common goals, or are you coming from different perspectives regarding the problems in the relationship? This is something further that the couple can explore in couples therapy, however it may be helpful to be aware of differences in views or perspectives prior to entering into couples work.
My practice specializes in treating couples who are seeking to revive, restore, and reconnect in their relationships. I offer comprehensive services dealing with the following issues:• Pre-marital Counseling
• Communication
• Lack of Appreciation
• Role Confusion
• Jealousy
• Anger
• Finances
• Conflict (constant arguing)
• Lack of closeness
• Trust Rebuilding
• Resentment
• Infertility
• Lack of Emotional or Physical Intimacy
• Distance/ Lack of Affection
• Difference in Sex Drives
• Division of Responsibilities in the Home or Relationship
• Death of a child or loved one
Individual Therapy
Couples Therapy
Family Therapy
Life Coaching
Additional Services
Yoga Therapy
Performance Therapy
other coaching areas include:
Personal Development
Health & Wellness
fees & insurance
Please visit this page for more info.
how can we help?
We’re here to provide with everything that you will need. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us!